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Weather Policy / Road Safety

Weather Policy

  • We run in the rain, but NOT if lightning is present!
  • If the run has not yet started, we will wait to determine if the severe weather will pass, or if the run should be canceled. If lightning occurs during a run, seek shelter, such as an underpass or building. Stay away from open areas or trees!
  • We run in hot weather; however, the pace will be slower! If the heat is severe, the run distance may be shortened.
  • Be alert for signs of heat-related illnesses (lightheadedness, cramps, headache, chills, lack of sweat, red complexion). If any symptoms occur, notify your group leader immediately. It may be necessary to quit that day.

Road Safety

The Alpine Runners Club recommends all participants follow these safety tips and rules of the road:

  • Always carry personal ID, cell phone and medical information in case of emergency
  • Run in safe zones: running trails, sidewalks or roadways with wide shoulders. Run with a partner
  • Run in daylight and wear brightly colored clothing
  • If you must run in the dark, be sure it is a well-lit area and you wear light-colored, reflective clothing.
  • Run in populated areas
  • Obey traffic laws and yield the right-of-way!
  • Watch for cross traffic at streets, alleys, crosswalks and driveways!
  • Run BEHIND any stopped vehicles at crossways.